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appetizers being served


Cocktail Hour • Hors d'oevres • Small Bites • Receptions


This service is great for corporate functions, brand marketing events, wedding receptions where individuals will be socializing and will not need a full dinner.


  • Food selection: 3-5 items

  • Timeframe: Typically 1-3 hours

  • Food Presentation: Passed and plated individually, displayed individually or on platters, or combination.

  • Prices vary on guest count, menu and design style. Prices start at $20/person.



Guests will be seated and enjoy a plated meal. Clients may request or choose from a list of starters, main entrees, sides, and dessert. Served courses include waitstaff. We will also decorate and create a tablescape for an additional fee.


  • Food selection: Entree, side, vegetable and/or salad, dessert

  • Timeframe: Typically 3-5 hours

  • Food Presentation: Plated

  • Prices vary on guest count, menu and design style. Starting at $55/person.

Creative Wedding Decoration


Banquet style dining is typically more casual and clients enjoy providing a variety of options for their guests. Clients may request or choose from a list of starters, entrees, sides, salads and desserts. Waitstaff may be requested for an additional fee. We will also decorate and create a tablescape for an additional fee.


  • Food selection: a selection of entrees and sides

  • Timeframe: Typically 3-5 hours

  • Food Presentation: Chafer dishes

  • Prices vary on guest count, menu and design style. Prices start at $35/person.

Meat Dish


This option is customizable. Some options include: meat carving, omelette, waffle bar, tacos, sweet and savory crepes, ice cream sundae, etc.


  • Food selection: 3-5 stations

  • Timeframe: Typically 2-3 hours

  • Food Presentation: Stations throughout the room which may have a chef preparing to order, or may be presented near like-items per party theme.

  • Prices vary on guest count, menu and design style.

Chicken Shish Kebab


Food will be prepared off-site and delivered in temperature-controlled bags. This option is perfect for school reunions, birthday/graduation/anniversary parties, bridal and baby showers, as well as casual game nights.


  • Food selection: Widely varies

  • Timeframe: Drop off typically 30 minutes - 1 hour before event starts

  • Food Presentation: Food is dropped off in aluminum catering trays

  • Prices start at $35/person but may vary based on guest count and menu.

  • Set up is available for an additional fee.

© Pepper & Mint LLC, 2019. All rights reserved.

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